jueves, 19 de junio de 2014

bye bye blog!!

About this homework, I don’t really feel this homework like a dense or exhausting work, it was very relaxing, and let my creativity be while I was working on it, and now I like it, I like write, but since I started the college I didn’t find the time until now, I would love keep writing on this blog, or another more mine and less related with the college, but I don’t know if I would have the time to, in the hypothetical case that I do it, I know it would be so kawaii, with many things of places, and cats, and CHEESE, I would like to write of them about the tendencies of fashion or make up, and some recipes of tasty food, to resume, a popurri of nerdy, girly and lovely things, I will consider make a blog for my own, something so mine that If I do, I could not leave it, could be a very interesting project.
This homework didn’t make me improve my writing abilities so much, but it helped me with the fluency part of the language, now I can talk and write more quickly, and the organization of my ideas is better, I have certain facilities for learn an language when I practice, so I will take the next level of English, I hope that with the same teacher J

Also I like English, my mum is English teacher, so it make my feel a little more near of her, everyone in my family speaks in English, that’s why I found so easy like a course, but I appreciate the class, the reason why I take English (I failed my diagnostic test on purpose) was to not forget, and I think that was a good decision 
My favorite part of Chile, definitely is Santiago, is a growing city, becoming a cosmopolitan city, it have everything, and there’s so much culture inside, I love big cities, I don’t dream with a beautiful valley, or a cottage besides a lake, or a chateau on mountains, nope nope nope!!!, I really don’t like so much Chile, is like a very big group of little towns, I really feel like a big fish in a small aquarium, is like the dynamic of the society, don’t think I’m Santiago b°!”#$% lover, is just like the real opportunities belong to rich people, or well-related people, the government always belongs to the same people, and the rest of us can go to the hell, also Chile is not the most globalized country of the world, the fashion, foreign culture, music or even the technologies are always a bit later, and the people is so crazy stressed in Santiago, in my life I was in many cities, towns and turistics spots but any of them liked me, there’s not so much I can say, I don’t lke my country even though is the country where I was born, I will go away from here as soon as a can, so, that’s what I think aabout Chile

jueves, 5 de junio de 2014

Today i’m going to talk about the things that I love, first I love my family, we are pretty battler with each other, we like to shout and have conversations about books or nerdy stuff,we are a very common family,
Also I love my boyfriend (Roberto), we have been together for more than two years, this is my longest relationship, and honestly I still getting nervous when he is near to me (but shhh!! Secret), he is like cute, but mostly a very good person, he has a golden heart, and he always takes care of me when I don’t feel good, sometimes we fight, but it’s mostly my fault (it’s a family issue), anyway  I Love him.

I love my cat too (Fayolina), she is a lovely kitten, she has two month old, and at this moment just plays, sleeps, eats and poops all day long, but at least she seems happy, every morning she purr at me and put her little paws on my face gently, she wakes me up like this every morning, sometimes I think she is jealous about my boyfriend, oh! And she hates other animals, and grass, and exteriors, and my boyfriend’s feet, and sometimes her tail.

Finally I love my friends, I spent most of my life very lonely and now I have many friends, and good friends, I feel the companion, and it sounds a little cheesy but it make me feel like warm heart, it’s an experience relatively new, I’m a little socially awkward, so I really don’t know how to be a friend, hope I am doing well.


jueves, 29 de mayo de 2014

my favorite website related to the career is Dialnet,

 is like a very complete library of journals and investigations about every science, is like Wikipedia or rincondelvago but more serious, almost every citation I’ve ever made in my college life, was made about some paper I got in this site, I think that is the most useful tool I’ve ever had. It works with the colleges and universities, so you have to put in the subscription your university or college, and you would have access to every paper made by your institution and many others in the world.

About this topic there are many online libraries on internet that work in this way and are having many papers and books, I think that dialnet.es is the best for this career, but also there is scielo. Es or bibliogratis.com for more general books, about that I think that in your first class on college must be about online tools, like libraries, how to make a citation on internet or how to use the college’s platform (when I was a freshman {mechona in my country} I had to guess how to use the platform), anyway is just an opinion so, bye bye, have a nice week
the link: www.dialnet.es
visits: almost every week (I make a lot of papers)
hi!! there's a photo that I want to show you
it seems like an enormous rubber ring but those were actually real wheels,were used by a truck in the antartica, many years ago, the foto was taken in akron near a good year factory, the vehicle was a problem in the antartic pole but let this photo that I think it have many iconic things of the year (1939) : the dresses of the girls, the building behind the girls, the car (I think that cars were beautiful, like the old version of batcar), the hairstyles, etc.
the photo was taken in 1939, by Willard Curver, but it appeared in National Geographic journal in 1940 I don't know why, I watched this photo in my grandma's home, and then I found it on internet, such luck, i would love use it on a pool hahah

jueves, 24 de abril de 2014

favorite movie

My favorite movie is pride and prejudice, I love the book, and the movie was good too, even if you consider that any movie based  on a book wouldn´t be as awesome as the original book, the movie is one of the most wonderful romantic movie.
It’s a beautiful love story, between a lovely and intelligent girl (lizzie) and a mysterious guy called Mr Darcy, but by a game of appearance and a confusion of intentions they start their relationship hating each other.

In the movie there are weddings, hilarious moments, tense situation, but what I like the most was that the principal character is a strong woman of the 18th century that took risks to say what she want to say no matter who was in front of her.

jueves, 17 de abril de 2014

the tecnology and I

hello my dear reader, today I'm going to talk about my favourite pieces of technology, I haven’t got many, I think that this two things are irreplaceable and ultra-necessary. I’m talking about my pc and my cell phone.

I believe that waist much money on a computer is not a smart decision, because the machines change every 6 months, so my concept of a good choice for a computer for example is one that you can update, I know how a computer is assembled, so is easy update a pc, for example recently I changed the hard drive of my pc so now it have more space and capacity. For conclusion get a good carcase, and please be smart!! Don´t pay for design, it’s pretty dumb buy a computer because the colour, with acrylic paint and a hair dryer you can customize almost every part of your computer
The second thing that I need for live it’s my cell phone, I love it because, the company gave me the phone for free
the last year I used a blackberry, I didn't like it, then I change the telephone company and bought an old samsung galaxy BUT it had qwerty keyboard ( I love qwerty keyboard), then a guy from a call center call me and he told me that vtr (the company) had a new phone for me,I didn't believed that so I called the company again and ask if the new phone thing was real or was "the tale of the uncle", it was REAL 
  I'm a little careless with my phones, so when I had to choose, I chose the "kids proof", it is functional with my job, my studies, is not too big, have mp3 player,internet, whatsapp and a good camera
it's enough for today, see you the next week, mow i'm going to eat ice cram with my boyfriend, someday I will talk about him, promise bye 
cats say good bye too


jueves, 10 de abril de 2014

college time!!

college time!!it supposed to be the most active time of my life, but I don't know why but I don't think so, it's like, with six subjects (human behavior, macroeconomy, politic science, accountability, administrative law and english of course) the life is pretty easy, and there's enough time to do other things.
 Now I go to swim to the college pool, I'm taking a course online to learn how to make good decisions, and I have a job teaching math and other stuff to kids with problems at school. pretty normal, but now a 1 1/2 weeks old kittens were dropped on my backyard, and I had to tke care of them, in my home anyone stay all day, so I have to take my cats to college, it complicate my life a lot, but i can stand it
I expect that semester I get better marks, maybe plain an exchange to another country, and keep my good friends of college, without them my past semesters had been very bad
Tomorrow I have an exam of macroeconomy, and I feel a little stressed about it, I hope get a decent mark.
wish me luck! I don't like to study without understand nothing about the subject, good bye!

jueves, 3 de abril de 2014


Hello! I didn't finish the the last entry so, i'm going to talk about my personality and that kind of cheesy stuff, I have an extroverted personality, I like to talk to the people, but any type of people, I think that the diversity makes myself keep my mind open, I´m cuddly, I like hugs, i like to be smiley and friendly (except when I'm sleepy, i'f you watch me sleepy please keep distance), i'm kind of freaky.

 To make a space, I used to play wii very much but for studies and work, I have no time for play anymore, I used to play about 4 hours per day, and then the college started :'(, I used to play pokemon in a nintendo ds too, but, anyway, the college started, i like pokemon, specially  the first season, I think i can remember the 151 pokemons, and the pokerap, i'm a latinamerican spanish-speaker, so I remember this like my poke rap

I also liked digimon, sailor moon, and 90s' kids stuff (lol)
I was born in 1992, so my childhood was like any other normal guy that was born in the 90s', awsome, at least in all that was tv shows
my childhood was good until I started the school (1998), I suffered bulling almost all the schooltime, now i'm older and stronger but, i don't want to remember my past, is not horible, i've never pass hungry or illness, but it still affect my self esteem, if you want to know, I was a ball, I was fat, weared glasses, brackets, nerdy type, I cried so many times for that, and now i'm so over of it that I dont like to remember. 
Now i'm studing Public management and politic science, and I like it very much, but I don't think that i will work for the chilean state forever, I want to be a powerful and multifacetic woman, I want my own bussiness, restaurant, bakery, foundation or something interesting, I want to be like barbie, be what I want to be. now I work as teacher wich is awsomo, I thought to study to be a teacher but, in Chile is not a well paid work and my standarts are pretty high so I though that was not a good idea.

jueves, 20 de marzo de 2014

first entry

hello my dear reader!, my name is Paloma, and i'm chilean, like moais, mapuches and the 33 miners, this is my first entry so I´m going to write about how is my life right now, my favs, and my personal pros and cons and and others importanats things for me.
I´ll start with my physical appearence and then i'll put a photo so you can watch me

skin color: brunette
glases: yes, i'm almost blind

height : 165 cm
weight :
eyes color: dark brown
hair color : dark brown (yup, i'm brown, like an unmixed coffee with milk )

ok, I think it's enough 
let's got to the likes and stuff
favorite tv program: how I met your mother, skins, any program with jamie oliver
favorite color: turquoise, white
boyfriend?: yeah! 
ok, i'm a little tired so bye bye C: i'll continue some day, promise C; )