jueves, 10 de abril de 2014

college time!!

college time!!it supposed to be the most active time of my life, but I don't know why but I don't think so, it's like, with six subjects (human behavior, macroeconomy, politic science, accountability, administrative law and english of course) the life is pretty easy, and there's enough time to do other things.
 Now I go to swim to the college pool, I'm taking a course online to learn how to make good decisions, and I have a job teaching math and other stuff to kids with problems at school. pretty normal, but now a 1 1/2 weeks old kittens were dropped on my backyard, and I had to tke care of them, in my home anyone stay all day, so I have to take my cats to college, it complicate my life a lot, but i can stand it
I expect that semester I get better marks, maybe plain an exchange to another country, and keep my good friends of college, without them my past semesters had been very bad
Tomorrow I have an exam of macroeconomy, and I feel a little stressed about it, I hope get a decent mark.
wish me luck! I don't like to study without understand nothing about the subject, good bye!

2 comentarios:

  1. I love those kittens, my friends laugh every time that I tell them their names because 'ADMINISTRATION' and stuff. Good luck tomorrow on your test :D

  2. I like that it's possible to take a course in decision making. Normally you have to learn this by trial and failure, by making mistakes and learning from them. This process usually continues until you are in your thirties. Haha.

    I hope you manage to organise a year in another country. It will be the most important thing you do.
