jueves, 19 de junio de 2014

bye bye blog!!

About this homework, I don’t really feel this homework like a dense or exhausting work, it was very relaxing, and let my creativity be while I was working on it, and now I like it, I like write, but since I started the college I didn’t find the time until now, I would love keep writing on this blog, or another more mine and less related with the college, but I don’t know if I would have the time to, in the hypothetical case that I do it, I know it would be so kawaii, with many things of places, and cats, and CHEESE, I would like to write of them about the tendencies of fashion or make up, and some recipes of tasty food, to resume, a popurri of nerdy, girly and lovely things, I will consider make a blog for my own, something so mine that If I do, I could not leave it, could be a very interesting project.
This homework didn’t make me improve my writing abilities so much, but it helped me with the fluency part of the language, now I can talk and write more quickly, and the organization of my ideas is better, I have certain facilities for learn an language when I practice, so I will take the next level of English, I hope that with the same teacher J

Also I like English, my mum is English teacher, so it make my feel a little more near of her, everyone in my family speaks in English, that’s why I found so easy like a course, but I appreciate the class, the reason why I take English (I failed my diagnostic test on purpose) was to not forget, and I think that was a good decision 
My favorite part of Chile, definitely is Santiago, is a growing city, becoming a cosmopolitan city, it have everything, and there’s so much culture inside, I love big cities, I don’t dream with a beautiful valley, or a cottage besides a lake, or a chateau on mountains, nope nope nope!!!, I really don’t like so much Chile, is like a very big group of little towns, I really feel like a big fish in a small aquarium, is like the dynamic of the society, don’t think I’m Santiago b°!”#$% lover, is just like the real opportunities belong to rich people, or well-related people, the government always belongs to the same people, and the rest of us can go to the hell, also Chile is not the most globalized country of the world, the fashion, foreign culture, music or even the technologies are always a bit later, and the people is so crazy stressed in Santiago, in my life I was in many cities, towns and turistics spots but any of them liked me, there’s not so much I can say, I don’t lke my country even though is the country where I was born, I will go away from here as soon as a can, so, that’s what I think aabout Chile

jueves, 5 de junio de 2014

Today i’m going to talk about the things that I love, first I love my family, we are pretty battler with each other, we like to shout and have conversations about books or nerdy stuff,we are a very common family,
Also I love my boyfriend (Roberto), we have been together for more than two years, this is my longest relationship, and honestly I still getting nervous when he is near to me (but shhh!! Secret), he is like cute, but mostly a very good person, he has a golden heart, and he always takes care of me when I don’t feel good, sometimes we fight, but it’s mostly my fault (it’s a family issue), anyway  I Love him.

I love my cat too (Fayolina), she is a lovely kitten, she has two month old, and at this moment just plays, sleeps, eats and poops all day long, but at least she seems happy, every morning she purr at me and put her little paws on my face gently, she wakes me up like this every morning, sometimes I think she is jealous about my boyfriend, oh! And she hates other animals, and grass, and exteriors, and my boyfriend’s feet, and sometimes her tail.

Finally I love my friends, I spent most of my life very lonely and now I have many friends, and good friends, I feel the companion, and it sounds a little cheesy but it make me feel like warm heart, it’s an experience relatively new, I’m a little socially awkward, so I really don’t know how to be a friend, hope I am doing well.